My staff and I here at Tiny Toes Child Care each believe that our job as a child care provider is to support the role of the parent. We will strive to enhance the physical, emotional and cognitive growth of every child using only positive methods of child guidance.
We are a play based and nature based childcare.
Where children learn to play, and play to learn.
At Tiny Toes Child Care, we believe that a great caregiver gives love, laughs, engages, respects each child’s individuality, and provides a clean and safe environment. Each child’s social, physical, and emotional development, along with their safety, and happiness are our top priorities.
We are committed to each child’s care and early education.
PLAY is the foundation of learning in young children.
Young children learn through active exploration in an environment which is rich in materials and learning opportunities to converse, socialize, work, play and negotiate with others.
Play has an essential role in a child’s overall development.
True learning isn’t about repeating what another says. Learning requires one to engage and experiment to find out how things work and that is what children do in their play.
Any child's parents/legal guardians are welcome to visit Tiny Toes Child Care any time their child is in care.
Please take part in my
ANNUAL FAMILY SURVEY to gather input on my program's strengths and opportunities.
Although I strive to communicate daily, the survey can point out areas that may have been overlooked.
Ongoing trainings increase my knowledge on issues around the early education and care of children and any input here will influence my decisions regarding my annual Professional Development Plan.
Fosters creativity and imagination.
Encourages cognitive, emotional, and social skills.
Cultivates initiative and independence.
Promotes problem solving and decision making.
Teaches emotional control.
Furthers cooperation with others.
Develops motor coordination and enhances overall physical health.
Support Resources:
Protective Hotline #
The Maine Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) operates the Statewide Protective Hotline for Child Abuse and Neglect. Highly trained staff is available to guide callers through the process of making a report of suspected abuse and neglect. The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Child care providers are Mandated Reporters and required to make a report of any suspected child abuse and neglect by calling:
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Call: Maine relay 711
Tiny Toes Child Care's environment and daily activities are intentionally planned to encourage curiosity, exploration and problem solving in an atmosphere of warmth, affection and respect for each child in care. Learning opportunities are based on children’s interests, appropriate educational concepts and a child’s individual development. Children may work individually or collaboratively, and may choose whether or not to participate in offered projects. Children are actively involved in learning opportunities which include foundations of math, science, social studies, creative art, language arts, music, movement and dramatic play. All interrelated aspects of the child’s growth and development are considered — intellectual, social, emotional, physical and creative.
A variety of open-ended toys and manipulatives are available at all times for children to play with. The selection of these toys and the physical set-up of the child care space changes as the interests and developmental level of the children indicate. Projects incorporated into our play are developed around the interests and skill levels of the children participating.
I see my responsibility as helping the children in care have a successful beginning on their learning path. Learning opportunities at Tiny Toes Child Care support:
developing a trusting relationship with adults
developing an understanding of themselves as individuals
allowing children to take the initiative, express opinions and make choices
collaboration and working with peers
using a child’s interests to motivate and engage them in learning
viewing a child’s errors as learning opportunities
develop a strong oral and receptive vocabulary
develop readiness skills in math and reading
develop gross and fine motor skills
understanding and following a routine
learning to transition between activities
assessing a child’s thinking, as well as their work, in order to support their learning
Approaching all interactions with “intention” is considered best practice. We do not just observe and assess, but are sensitive to the individual needs of the young children in care. From that place we can determine the most effective teaching strategies to use for each child and experience. It is important that each child gets a good start on their path to a successful and fulfilling life. Not what I want for them, or what their parents want for them, but what they want for themselves. Children need to learn who they are and what they are capable of. With a positive self-image and self-esteem anything is possible.
Children are continually assessed using a variety of tools and daily observation.
The current Maine Early Learning Development Standards: ITMELDS or MPMELDS along with CDC Milestones are used for guidance in assessments and observations.
Observations/Assessments are maintained in individual e-portfolios accessible to parents 24/7. This e-portfolio allows for a child’s develop to be recorded for the length of time they are in care. E-portfolios are also able to be downloaded by parents. Parents will also be offered at least one formal conference annually.​
A Cognitive Based “Intention” Curriculum:
When one teaches with intention, one:​
has a learning environment that is rich in materials to offer students a variety of experiences and chances for interactions
continually observes students to gage interests and level of comprehension
encourages exploration
talks with and listens to the students
challenges students to question, stretch their abilities, and work outside their comfort zone
continually extends students’ existing knowledge as new lessons are introduced
covers all areas of instruction
understands the content to be taught
matches content to the developmental levels and emerging skills of students
plans, but remains flexible
uses spontaneous or unexpected teaching opportunities
reflects on success of strategies used and alternatives
reflects on their own strengths and weaknesses to direct their continuing professional development
It doesn’t matter if I am helping an infant developing body awareness, a toddler expanding their developing language skills, a preschooler learning the alphabet, or the school-aged with homework support, if each child and learning opportunity is approached with intention, I end up providing them with the “best” I can.
From a belief that strong families support a child’s development, I understand the importance of my daily contact providing the opportunity to develop that strong relationship with each family. Outside resource materials are provided directly to families when needed in supporting each child’s development. Families may also access support from Help ME Grow Maine for any concerns about their child’s development. For any child with a special educational plan, I will work in collaboration to support the objects/goals of the plan with any other plan participants.​​